Idaho Tree Preservation Blog

If you're a homeowner, property manager, or developer looking for tree care services, you might come across the term ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist. This designation signifies a high level of expertise and professionalism in the field of arboriculture. In this...

Hiring a Professional Tree Company
When it comes to tree care, it's essential to choose a reputable and experiencedcompany to ensure the safety and health of your trees. However, some homeownersmay be tempted to hire a cheap tree care company to save money. While this mayseem like a good idea, there...

Pre-Purchase Tree Inspections
Buying a house is a significant investment, and it's crucial to ensure that you're making an informed decision. One of the most important factors to consider when purchasing a property is the condition of the trees on the lot. Trees can add value to a property and...

Sonic Tomography for Tree Risk Assessment
Trees provide numerous benefits to our environment, including improving air quality,reducing carbon dioxide levels, and providing shade and beauty. However, trees canalso pose a risk to people and property if they are not healthy and stable. Sonictomography is an...
Root Defects in Urban Trees
By Ezekiel WillardISA Board Certified Master Arborist PN05439BTASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #774 Unlike trees that grow in the wild, cultivated trees can have several defects which can cause serious problems as they mature in the landscape Luckily here at Idaho...

Why is expert tree pruning so important?
3/23/2023 By Ezekiel Willard Principle of Idaho Tree Preservation LLC Expert tree pruning does much more than just make your trees look good! According to the ANSI standard one of our main goals in tree pruning is to reduce risk, which requires a knowledge of things...

What is a TRAQ Arborist?
One of the jobs we have as arborists is assessing and managing risk in trees. Our main goal is to reduce risk so that you can enjoy your trees for many years. While there is no such thing as a completely safe tree, a qualified arborist understands the biomechanics of...
Why hire an ISA Certified Arborist to care for your trees?
First, what is a certified arborist and what is the ISA? Well, the ISA is the International Society ofArboriculture and it is a non-profit that works to improve tree care and public education about trees across the world. To become an ISA Certified Arborist you have...
Why Not to Use Herbicide Around Trees
If you are a tree owner and you are wondering Why Not to Use Herbicide Around Tree, here are some tips for you. Avoid using dicamba, glyphosate, and 2,4-D on tree stumps. Read on to find out more. This article will give you the right advice for your specific...
Tree Pest Control and Prevention Guide
If the environment is natural and balanced, the utilization of bacteria, microbes, and insects to assist in the processes of nutrient recycling, decomposition, and plant recycling can be more effective. Fortunately, when it comes to your yard, these microorganisms...